Monday, November 7, 2011

hello there, i missed you!

I think I'm going to diversify the posts on this little blog 'o mine.  I'm not just into crafting, friends, oh no!  Now that I'm in a post-grad school free time zone, I've filled said free time up with fun stuff.  One of my loves and free-time filler-uppers is photography.  I've long had an obsession with black and white pictures of trees.  Random, I know.  Now this obsession with pretty pictures has evolved into wanting to take my own pretty pictures.

After many long years of drooling over fancy DSLR cameras, I finally have one of my own (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and I just finished up a photography class where we covered basic aspects of digital photography.  We had to come up with 5 pictures that best showcased our new-found photog skills.  Here are the ones I picked:

One of our challenges was to depict "fall," only the instructor did NOT want a ton of pictures of orange leaves:
I know what you're thinking: "Huh? what does this have to do with fall?"  Hear me out.  I'm interpreting the other definition of fall.  These animals have a pretty cool thing going on.  At the top of the picture, you might be able to make out the feed basket.  The giraffe would knock food out of the basket, which would FALL to the ground and the zebras would eat it up.

Here are some of my other favorites:

I hope you enjoyed looking at these.  If I can get the hang of Photoshop Elements, I'm hoping to make this a regular part of my blog.  Don't worry, though, there's plenty of craftiness on it's way.  And maybe a recipe here and there, too.  xo april